I have installed iTerm with Homebrew (brew cask) and wanted to integrate it with Alfred. On GitHub I found this awesome little project which helped me out and here is my custom script I am using in Alfred (needed to change the iTerm path)

-- This is v0.4 of the custom script for AlfredApp for iTerm 2.1.1
-- Please see https://github.com/stuartcryan/custom-iterm-applescripts-for-alfred/
-- for the latest changes.

-- Please note, if you store the iTerm binary in any other location than the Applications Folder
-- please ensure you update the two locations below (in the format of : rather than / for folder dividers)
-- this gets around issues with AppleScript not handling things well if you have two iTerm binaries on your system... which can happen :D

on alfred_script(q)
	if application "iTerm" is running then
		run script "
			on run {q}
				tell application \":opt:homebrew-cask:Caskroom:iterm2:2.0.0:iTerm.app\"
						set myterm to the first terminal
					on error
						set myterm to (make new terminal)
					end try
					tell myterm
						set mysession to (launch session \"Default Session\")
						tell mysession to write text q
					end tell
				end tell
			end run
		" with parameters {q}
		run script "
			on run {q}
				tell application \":opt:homebrew-cask:Caskroom:iterm2:2.0.0:iTerm.app\"
					tell the first terminal
						tell the last session to write text q
					end tell
				end tell
			end run
		" with parameters {q}
	end if
end alfred_script